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Magical Deserts




Exotic Urbanism




Misty Mountains




Women's Musical Club of Toronto

April 6, 2023: Recital with Marion Newman, Evan Korbut & Gordon Gerrard for The Women's Musical Club of Toronto. 

Anchorage Opera

March 10, 11 &12th: Native Girl in 'Missing' with Anchorage Opera at the Sydney Laurence Theater.

Calgary Opera

February 4, 8 & 10th, 2023:  Chrisann Brennan in 'The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs' with Calgary Opera at the Southern Jubilee Auditorium.

Vancouer Bach Choir
Allegra Chamber Orchestra
Indigenous Day Live
Calgary Opera
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

December 10, 2022: Soprano soloist in 'Handel's Messiah' with the Vancouver Bach Choir and Vancouver Symphony Orchestra at the Orpheum.

September 12 & 13th: 'Indigidivas' workshop with Allegra Chamber Orchestra.

June 18th, 2022: 'Indigenous Day Live' performance with Tara Beagan & Andy Moro of 'Article 11' On stage in Winnipeg with APTN.

April 11- 20th 2022: 'Namwayut' - Opera Labs part 2 with Calgary Opera.

March 3 & 4th 2022: Soprano Soloist in 'Peer Gynt Highlights' with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra at The Orpheum. 

In Winter - COC

December 2021- June 18, 2022: 'In Winter' by Ian Cusson & Katherena Vermette with the Canadian Opera Company.

Hasalala Danxalax

November 20, 2021: 'Hasalala Danxalax: Marion Newman & Friends' Recital at The Chan Centre.

UBC Music

March 10, 2021: 'UBC Wednesday Noon Hours, Melody Courage, soprano and Tina Chang' Recital at The Chan Centre.

Allegra Chamber Orchestra

September 2, 2021: 'Global Soundscapes Festival with 'Allegra Chamber Orchestra with Melody Courage' 

Calgary Opera
The Belkin

January 25 -February 14th: 'Namwayut' - Opera Labs part 1 with Calgary Opera. 

November 30, 2020: 'Soundings: Tania Willard and Melody Courage' at the Belkin Art Gallery.

Sound Strams

November 13-17, 2019: Migisoo/Aile in 'Two Odysseys: Pimooteewin/ Gállábártnit' by - Melissa Hui/Britta Bystrom with  Soundstreams at Daniels Spectrum.


September 19, 2019: World premiere of  'Dodo mon tout petit' by Ian Cusson with the National Arts Centre Orchestra.

Regina Symphony Orchestra

March 9, 2019: 'Riel: Heart of the North' - Opera by Neil Weisensel and Dr. Suzanne Steele with the Regina Symphony Orchestra

City Opera Vancouver

November 1-17th 2017: Native Girl in 'Missing' - Opera by Brian Current and Marie Clements with City Opera Vancouver. 

Pacific Opera Victoria

November 1-17th 2017: Native Girl 'Missing' - Opera by Brian Current and Marie Clements with Pacific Opera Victoria.

Vancouver Opera

March 9-17, 2013: First Lady in 'The Magic Flute' - Opera by W.A Mozart with  Vancouver Opera. 

Vancouver Opera

April 24 - May 4, 2010: Barbarina in 'Le Nozze di Figaro' - Opera by W.A. Mozart with Vancouver Opera.

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